What better way to honor Women’s Day and women’s History Month than to highlight the ladies of MY DRAP? Meet four female superstars who discuss their roles, successes, and pride in working for a female-dominated company!

Scroll down and meet the women who make it all happen at the Drap!


Pearl, COO of MY DRAP, in her natural element

How did you end up working here?

I was recruited by my brother, Shalom 🙂 I helped him build it from the ground up. He works on the business development side, while I manage all of the day-to-day operations and logistics!


MY DRAP is a luxury product for hosting any kind of event: large or small, corporate or private. We get to work with the best in every industry. It is always such an honor to meet the people behind the most incredible companies in the world – all the movers and shakers of our society.

What are some mantras you live by?

There are two main ones that I live by:

  • If it scares you, you’re probably going in the right direction. 
  • Whatever you’re doing, give it 110%. So if I’m at home, I shut off my phone and try to be present with my loved ones. And if I’m at the office, there could be a hurricane happening and I wouldn’t notice!

Any tips for balancing motherhood with a full-time leadership role?

My Sundays are for organization- I take saturday nights/sundays as opportunities to plan for the rest of the week. With all that being said, not everything has to be planned to a T. Things are always gonna come up, especially with kids and running a business, so you gotta learn to roll with the punches! Just stay flexible, and don’t take everything so seriously.

Another lesson I’ve had to learn is balance. For example, a non-negotiable for me is leaving the office at around 2pm to get home in time for my son to wake up from his afternoon nap. I turn my laptop back on in the evening, but I prioritize having that time with him during the day before he goes back to sleep. Just having that pocket in my day to be present is so important.

What is your proudest business MY DRAP moment?

Everyday is my proudest MY DRAP moment. Thinking back to what the company was when I first started working here, and where we are today, fills me with immense pride. Just taking the time to stop and appreciate what my time is capable of, and looking excitedly towards the future and what we can all accomplish, is so exciting!

Who is a female inspiration to you in your life?

My grandmother. She started her family business way before it was popular for there to be female entrepreneurs- she built it entirely from the ground up. Later my grandfather joined her company because hers was so successful. 

Today, most of her children and many of her grandchildren work in her jewelry empire, so it’s pretty amazing to see things come full circle for her. They sell a lot of white label products today, so chances are you are buying from them without even knowing it! She is just an incredible force and definitely my biggest inspiration.


Stephanie, Head of Accounting at MY DRAP

How did you end up working here?

I was only in Canada 4 months before I started working as Head of Accounting at MY DRAP. You can say I was a deep sea catch; I threw my resume into the ocean, and it got picked!

Why MY DRAP? What do you like about working here?

I really admire the family-like atmosphere. It’s a place full of growth opportunities, where you’re encouraged but not micro-managed.

What does being a female leader mean to you?

Having the opportunity to develop other women who you come in contact with. Being able to grow as a person instead of just an employee.

Any tips for balancing motherhood with a career?

I would say that they’re two completely different JEDs, so you have to approach them as such! Keep them separate.

What is your proudest business MY DRAP moment?

Despite having 17 years of experience in the accounting field, I came into a space that is geographically and culturally different from what I was used to. I’m proud that I was able to successfully adapt to it and really grasp it.

Who is a female inspiration to you in your life and why?

A friend of mine, who is a teacher. I admire her drive, and the fact that she doesn’t settle for mediocrity. And of course G-d;  with G-d, all things are possible.


Laura, Head of Customer Relations/Logistics at MY DRAP

How did you end up working here?

They found me! It was actually through a job agency; they reached out to me through email 🙂

Why MY DRAP? What do you like about working here?

It feels like a family! There’s open communication; it doesn’t feel stuffy or uptight. I’ve always felt so comfortable speaking up and being myself; it really is such a safe space to me.

What does being a female leader mean to you?

Being opinionated, and knowing how to speak your mind. A female leader should never settle for the bare minimum, and should always stand up for what she believes in!

Any tips for expectant mothers who are currently in the workforce and preparing to transition into this new role?

Take it one day at a time, because that’s all you can really do. And just breathe!

What is your proudest business MY DRAP moment?

I’ve been at the company for 5 years, so almost from its inception. Being able to see the company grow has been a super special and rewarding experience for me. Seeing what it’s become from when I started, makes me really proud, because I played a role in helping build it up to what it is today!

Who is a female inspiration to you in your life and why?

My mom- she doesn’t take crap from anyone, doesn’t settle, and works very hard. She’s so strong!


Sharon, Head of Event Sales and Content Creation at MY DRAP

How did you end up working here?

It’s actually a funny story! My husband’s cousins recruited me full time when I got married and moved to Montreal. Before that I was doing blog writing for the company as an independent contractor, but now I manage event sales full time, along with content creation. So I guess you can say I married into the biz 😉

Why MY DRAP? What do you like about working here?

I love the creative freedom and working with people I genuinely connect with on a mental and spiritual level. There is so much room to spread your wings here and really let your creative juices flow. I need that freedom to think and innovate on my own terms, and MY DRAP gives me that. I just love how the environment in no way feels corporate or rigid.

What does being a female leader mean to you?

Being able to flow; being creative, compassionate, and collaborative. And inviting and inspiring others to do the same! Using sacred feminine energy to nurture and lead in a loving and empathetic way.

What is your proudest business MY DRAP moment?

Getting to build out a completely new business unit (custom napkins for the events industry), and diving headfirst into an industry I know nothing about. Keeping an open mind has really helped me connect to the right industry people and learn so much from them!

Who is a female inspiration to you in your life and why?

My mother and all of the loving, strong, nurturing women that came before her. The enduring wisdom, support, and infinite love she gives me each and every day keeps me going. Growing up has only made me realize that I still need my mom all the time! She’s undoubtedly shaped me into the woman I am today. All of the traits that I am actually proud of are all thanks to her.

Here’s to the inspirational women of MY DRAP and beyond, who do it all with grace, courage, and style!