With a New Year, comes a fresh perspective. For many of us, this could mean starting the year off with a new kitchen remodeling project. Most of us have been staring at the same, familiar four walls for the past couple of years. Inevitably, when you stare at something long enough, you are bound to find things you want to change. But when it comes to kitchen remodeling, how do you know where to start? 


Feng Shui is a term that definitely gets thrown around a lot in regards to home decor- Historically, and in contemporary Chinese culture, this ancient practice was used to orient buildings and spiritually significant structures such as tombs, as well as dwellings and other structures. However, in regards to contemporary Western societies, it specifically pertains to interior design to generate health, wealth, and more positive energy (qi) in the home.


So how does this apply to your kitchen remodeling project? The kitchen is one of the most important places in the home for feng shui- it is where we nourish ourselves and where friends and family gather. So before you call up that contractor or break out the old toolkit, read on to discover some ways to spice up your kitchen, while also bringing your life into better alignment!

Stove placement is king!

The stove is the center of nourishment and success in the home- it embodies the element of fire, which signifies ambition and success. When you are first undertaking a kitchen remodeling project, ensure your stove is placed in a position where you can see the door when you cook- this allows you to be in control over your own success and career, and to see any people, energies, or opportunities that come your way. 


If you have a layout that does not allow for you to move your stove, hanging a mirror behind it so you can still see the door is a great fix. It has the added benefit of opening up and brightening the space more.

Double your burners

In the rules of feng shui, more burners means more opportunities and sources of wealth. To increase prosperity and career success, increase your burners! If at all possible, avoid small two-burner stoves. Of course, this is dependent on the size of your kitchen; if a larger stove top is not an option, an easy way to energetically double your burners is to hang a mirror that reflects them.

Keep sink and stove separate if you can

The sink represents the water element, while the stove represents fire. Having these two face one another can produce conflict in relationships. Prevent bad energy by placing an island between your sink and stove. If you have a smaller, gallery-like kitchen, consider placing an earth element (like a green rug) between the two to “resolve the conflict” and generate more positive qi.

Cleanliness is next to holiness

This tip need not just apply to feng shui- it should be a basic principle of life! Think of how you feel opening a clean, well-organized fridge versus one that is disheveled, dirty, and full of expired food. Or a well-organized cabinet versus one overflowing with random stuff, including that expired box of granola bars you hated but never threw away. Not only are these expired products taking up unnecessary space- they are affecting you energetically. Be sure to deep clean your kitchen at least once a month, getting rid of anything that impairs a positive energy flow.


It’s also important to keep your stove clean- as mentioned earlier, the stove represents wealth and prosperity. Take a moment each day to mindfully wipe down your stove to remove any stagnant energy in both your home and life!


Non-toxic cleaners only!

Toxic and harmful chemicals live in many common household cleaning items and should be avoided at all costs- especially near places where you’re preparing and eating food. Luckily, there are many great natural alternatives that can be purchased- you can even make your own using natural items around the house such as baking soda, vinegar, and your favorite essential oils!


No broken or chipped items

Go through your dishes and be sure to remove any broken or chipped mugs, plates, and bowls. Broken items are thought to bring broken energy and are bad luck. If the item is of sentimental value to you, repair it through a Japanese practice called kintsugi. This involves the use of precious metals to repair broken pottery; it encourages us to see breaks in the items as a beautiful part of their story rather than a hidden flaw. This teaches us an important lesson about life- the importance of embracing our challenges and making the most of them rather than letting them break us.


Integrate the right colors

Generally, white is the best colour for a kitchen because it represents purity and cleanliness- it also beautifully compliments the vibrant colours of your food. If you’re looking to add a splash of colour to your cabinets or backsplash, consider a colour that corresponds to the five elements of feng shui:


  • Earthy colors like brown and yellow for nourishment, stability and grounding
  • Wood colors like blue and green for growth, flexibility, and vitality
  • Fiery colors like red and bright orange for inspiration and passion
  • Watery colors like black and navy blue for social connections and wisdom
  • Metal colors like white and gray for precision and joy

via: The Spruce


Good lighting for good energy

Ample lighting in your kitchen sets the right mood and allows good energy flow. If your kitchen isn’t near a natural light source, try layered lighting techniques like combining overhead, sconce, and task lighting to vary the brightness and keep good energy flowing in your kitchen.


Keep a bowl of fruit on the counter

Fruits signify abundance and health. Keep a bowl of citrus fruit on your kitchen counter to obtain maximum chi. Pro tip: nine is a lucky number, so be sure to keep nine lemons or oranges in your bowl for maximum feng shui luck!


Integrate wood and metal elements into your kitchen

Wood is a powerful element of feng shui; it represents growth, prosperity, health, abundance, and strengthening family bonds. Add wood elements into your kitchen through wood spice racks, utensil holders, cutting boards, or cabinet finishes. If your dining table is in the kitchen and you don’t have a dining room, opt for a rustic wooden table and chairs. Plants also embody the wood element and can be easily added into your kitchen.


Another essential feng shui element for your kitchen is metal, which can invite feelings of productivity, calmness, and mental clarity. Hardware—such as light fixtures, drawer handles, and faucets—make it easy to incorporate the metal element without taking up counter space. Stainless steel appliances, metal bowls, or candle holders will also do the trick.



Avoid empty space above cabinets

If you have empty space or gaps above your kitchen cabinets, feng shui encourages filling this space. Negative qi and dust can pollute your space, stifling positive qi. If you can’t extend your cabinets all the way to the ceiling, fill the gaps with your favorite bowls, plants, or kitchen decor to prevent a pileup of negative energy.


Opt for glass cabinet doors

Adding half glass or frosted glass doors to your cabinets immediately opens up your space, allowing for positive qi to flow more freely. It’s also a great motivation to stay organized because the contents of your cabinets will be much more visible!


Hang food-inspired art in your kitchen!

Finally, when it comes to feng shui kitchen art, gravitate towards paintings depicting food either on display, being harvested, or enjoyed. This promotes a healthy appetite and shared love of food.

We hope that these feng shui-approved kitchen remodeling tips will not only help you create a blueprint for a gorgeous kitchen, but also a prosperous, healthy, and positive life!