KB table – Kelli bunch is the owner of a catering and event planning company in Houston, Texas. Ever since she was little she loved entertaining, cooking, hosting, etc. She attended culinary school at the Culinary Institute of America and upon her return to Houston, worked for a catering company for 6 short months before starting out on her own. Her first independent job was as a part-time private chef for president and First lady bush while managing to open up her new catering business at the same time.


What would you say a typical day looks like for you?

I Wake up, drink my coffee, work out, etc. and then start with my day. I have prep kitchen days where I am cooking, and taste testing for restaurant clients, and creating new recipes. Then there are days where I am product souring, researching new food products or specialty ingredients, etc.

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What is your favorite part of MY DRAP?

I love how you can reuse them and throw them in the washing machine. I also love how it puts a spin on entertaining without having to put in any effort. Not to mention, I love how compact they are, I have them stacked neatly in a draw. I love being able to swap them up, playing around with the different shapes and patterns.


When did you first discover MY DRAP?

My mom introduced me to it. Her and her girlfriends always use it for entertaining. I started seeing them more often at hotels when I traveled, they were popping up on Amazon.com, etc. I was in London last year at the Ritz and saw them and recognized that this was MY DRAP which was pretty cool. I love that I am seeing them everywhere now in hospitality and that I am able to use them myself at home.


How does MY DRAP elevate your shoots for curated packages?

MY DRAP elevates my shoots just by the versatility of the prints. From the solid patterns, summer colors, winter plaid, etc. It adds to the tabletop and creates a centerpiece while being very functional.


What’s your favorite MY DRAP protect?

Uhh, that’s so hard to choose! I would have to say the cocktail napkins. It’s so easy to serve with cheese and with wine. I like that I can keep it on the roll when serving platters, in keeps everything clean, and is always a conversation starter when people start ripping them off the roll. My favorite colors would have to be natural recycled cotton and cream linen. The cream matches my kitchen so nicely and is so easy to mix with my utensils and serving ware.

How would you say that MY DRAP fits into your plating and décor?

Have you come up with any creative uses for the product? I love the layering that I can do with the different napkins and patterns. I’ve used the placemats as table runners, using them underneath bowls as chargers, inside bread baskets, wrapping utensils and tying them up with ribbon, etc.

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